Midtown Chiropractic Clinic Blog

Can Galesburg IL Chiropractic Care Help Vertigo?

Children In Galesburg IL

Children In Galesburg IL You have their eyes checked regularly. And their ears checked. And their teeth checked. Now it’s time to have their spine checked. Because alignment really matters! Contact our Galesburg IL chiropractic clinic today to learn more. Best Opportunities To Grow & Develop In Galesburg IL Children need the best opportunities to…

Can Galesburg IL Chiropractic Care Help Vertigo?

Can Galesburg IL Chiropractic Care Help Vertigo?

Can Chiropractic Care Help Vertigo? Did you ever spin yourself in circles as a kid until you were too dizzy to walk? There’s a good chance you did, but that same feeling of dizziness isn’t quite a fun as an adult. A decent number of adults suffer with dizziness or vertigo, and it can be…

Shoulder Pain – New Options for Care in Galesburg IL

Shoulder Pain – New Options for Care in Galesburg IL

Shoulder Pain – New Options for Care Your shoulder joint is a remarkable joint. Think about all the things you can do with your arms because of the flexibility of that joint. The shoulder joint is amazing, but it’s also a joint that can be vulnerable to injury. Rotator cuff injuries are very common and…

Sciatica – The Cause and the Options in Galesburg IL

Sciatica – The Cause and the Options in Galesburg IL

Sciatica – The Cause and the Options According to Harvard Medical School around 40% of people will deal with sciatica at some point in their life. A problem that impacts that many of us is worth understanding. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the buttocks and down each leg on both sides.…

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care in Galesburg IL

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care in Galesburg IL

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care As mothers look for natural pregnancy options chiropractic care is often a part of the discussion. Chiropractic care can provide significant advantages to the mother and baby. In this article, we’re going to discuss the benefits and safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy. We hope it helps to guide you on…

Chiropractic Galesburg IL Crying Baby

Failure To Thrive In Galesburg IL

Failure To Thrive In Galesburg IL When a baby does not keep pace with normal height, weight, and head circumference it is referred to as Failure to Thrive in medical language. Many times the cause of this cannot be determined by classic medical testing. Many drugs are prescribed to no avail. Chiropractic care in Galesburg…